To better support the customers fighting for the US LED light market, Unilumin Group Co., Ltd ( with its former name Shenzhen Unilumin Technology Co., Ltd.) has presented LED street light samples for LM79 testing since three months ago, and successfully Unilumin got the report last week, which is indeed an exciting news for both Unilumin and the customers! And the third part’ persuasion will be powerful to the market!
Besides of that, Type2 distribution, UL, LM-80 reports all are available by Unilumin! Unilumin will keep improving and providing our customers with better products and services in the future!
For all the report requesting, please contact us freely !
Unilumin Group, pionero en aplicaciones LED, que ofrece servicios profesionales de aplicaciones LED, junto con su filial LAMPRO, recibió recientemente la marca Intertek Green Leaf por la huella de carbono del producto de parte de Intertek, un proveedor de servicios de calidad y seguridad reconocido mundialmente. Además, Unilumin recibió un certificado de huella de carbono del producto emitido conjuntamente por Intertek y el Centro de Certificación Saidi de Pekín.