Recently, the mid-term report of listed LED display companies have been released .In the first half of 2015, Unilimin Group reached 625million RMB gross revenue, increased by 40.01% over the same period last year, and gross profit increased by 126.65% in the same period of time.
According to the report, Unilumin Group overseas sales profits increased by 57.50% over the same period last year; One of the most important reasons is the rapid increasing market share of “LED Super TV”. In the first half of 2015, “LED Super TV” contributes 26.88% of total profits, increased by 113.01% over the same period last year.
Unilumin Group achieved such an outstanding result due to its clear marketing strategies .In this Internet Plus age , Unilumin Group manages to make the transition from manufacturing to innovation ,endowing each product with unique core competitiveness .Meanwhile ,Unilumin Group keeps on searching and investing promising companies on the market to inject new blood into the group .
No matter from R&D, resources integration or business model, Unilumin Group has an excellent performance in the first half year. As a provider of LED display and solutions, Unilumin Group will focus on R&D, LED display, and quality services. We will provide the best price performance products to our customers. In the future, Unilumin Group will be more progressive and hand in another satisfying paper to our shareholders and customers.
Unilumin Group, pionero en aplicaciones LED, que ofrece servicios profesionales de aplicaciones LED, junto con su filial LAMPRO, recibió recientemente la marca Intertek Green Leaf por la huella de carbono del producto de parte de Intertek, un proveedor de servicios de calidad y seguridad reconocido mundialmente. Además, Unilumin recibió un certificado de huella de carbono del producto emitido conjuntamente por Intertek y el Centro de Certificación Saidi de Pekín.