As we have talked about and shown the simplicity of Unilumin’s LED displays time over time, we would like to give you a glance at a few accomplishments of Utile’s simple rental solutions around the world.
In 2013, in Indonesia, when beauties from around the world were proving their beauty for the Miss World Pageant, Unilumin’s Utile was right there, in 3.9mm pixel pitch at a size of 262 square meters.
In the United States of America, in the beautiful city of Seattle, 320 square meters of Utile 3.9mm graced the LOL championship.
In 2015, in the Rivers church in South Africa, 194 square meters of Unilumin’s Utile was sighted again.
In 2015, Utile3 was installed at Schwarzkopf Event, Warsaw, Poland.
Recently, Utile at GAGIKINDO Auto Show in Indonesia with 200square meters.
In 2016, at an expo in Spain, Utile 2.6mm was simply adorning a booth.
Huawei’s international conference wouldn’t have been complete without the simple presence of Unilumin’s Utile 3.9mm.
Events in Indonesia cannot get enough of the simplicity of Unilumin’s Utile. Therefore in 2016, 72 square meters of it was adorning an OPPO event.
And there are many more examples of Unilumin’s Utile’s opulence. Big events, small events, conferences, auto expos, Unilumin’s Utile has proven to be suitable to all. So why wait, pick up your phone now and call Unilumin’s amazingly helpful sales engineers at +86-(0)755-29918999 or you can use the same device to drop them a line at
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El 6 de junio, Unilumin Group, pionero en aplicaciones LED, celebró una gran ceremonia de inauguración de su nueva sala de exposición en la Ciudad de México. Esta iniciativa estratégica tiene como objetivo servir mejor a los clientes locales brindándoles soluciones de aplicaciones LED de preventa y posventa localizadas y integrales.
Prolight+Sound (exposición PLS) de 4 días de duración, la exposición de tecnología de sonido e iluminación de escenarios más grande del mundo, finalizó en Frankfurt, Alemania, el 28 de abril. Unilumin exhibió varios de sus productos LED emblemáticos, la solución de producción virtual XR y otras soluciones integradas para demostrar escenarios de Metasight en la exposición.